Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow is recognized as one of the leading thinkers of
the Jewish renewal movement. He has been at the forefront of
creating Jewish renewal theory, practice and institutions. He
founded and directs The Shalom Center, and is a Pathfinder of
ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, an international network.
He is founder and editor of the journal New Menorah, and helped
found the Fabrangen Cheder and the National Havurah Committee.
His previous books include Godwrestling;
Godwrestling—Round 2: Ancient Wisdom, Future Paths, which was named “Best Religion Book of
the Year”; The Freedom Seder;
Seasons of Our Joy; Freedom Journeys: The Tale of Exodus and Wilderness across Millennia; Torah of the Earth: Exploring 4,000 Years of Ecology in Jewish Thought, Vol. 1: Biblical Israel and Rabbinic Judaism; Torah of the Earth: Exploring 4,000 Years of Ecology in Jewish Thought, Vol. 2: Zionism and Eco-Judaism; and Down-to-Earth Judaism. He is the co-editor of Trees,
Earth, Torah: A Tu B’Shvat Anthology (Jewish Publication Society).
He and his wife, Phyllis Berman, who is also a leader of Jewish renewal, often join to speak, teach new forms of prayer and lead retreats and workshops in many Jewish and interreligious settings. Together they wrote Tales of Tikkun: New Jewish Stories to Heal the Wounded World.
Waskow lives in the Philadelphia area. He
has two grown children of his own, is “associate
parent” for two others and has one son-in-law and one
Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow
is available to speak on the following topics: