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Prayer for Sleep

By Sandy Falk, MD, and Rabbi Daniel Judson, with Steven A. Rapp  

After even one day of parenthood, you may read the heading “Prayer for Sleep” and presume we are offering a prayer for how you could get more sleep. But this prayer is to be said for your little one when he/she goes to bed.

As a new parent, one of the most anxiety-provoking occasions is when your new baby goes off to sleep. New parents spend much of their time trying to coax their babies to fall asleep, only to worry about their babies when they actually do. Sleeping newborns make all sorts of strange noises that strike fear in the hearts of their parents. You may worry that your child may be vulnerable to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and may run to his/her side every time he/she breathes loudly. These worries are all part of the parenting experience.

The following prayer is modeled on the traditional prayer for sleep that individuals say before going to bed. This prayer asks God to spread a “sukkah of peace” over the newborn, a shelter of protection to guard him/her from any harm.

 Blessed are You, God, ruler of the universe, who brings sleep to her eyes and slumber to her eyelids. God and God of my ancestors, may she lie down peacefully and wake up peacefully. Do not let her sleep be disturbed by troubling thoughts or bad dreams, and may her bed be perfect before You. Illuminate her eyes so she will not die in sleep. Blessed are You, God, who illuminates the whole world with your glory. Our God, help her to lie down in peace and awaken her to life. Spread over her your sukkah of peace and guide her with your good advice. Save her for the sake of your name and defend her from enemies, disease, swords, famine, and sorrow. Remove evil from in front of her and from behind her. Shelter her in the shadow of your wings, as You guard and redeem us—You are a compassionate and gracious God. Safeguard our coming and going for life and for peace now and forever. In your hand is the life of every living creature, the breath of all human flesh. In your hand we entrust her spirit, [because] You have redeemed us, God of truth.

—Aurora Mendelsohn

The above excerpt, “Prayer for Sleep,” by Sandy Falk, MD, and Rabbi Daniel Judson, with Steven A. Rapp, is from The Jewish Pregnancy Book: A Resource for the Soul, Body & Mind during Pregnancy, Birth & the First Three Months © 2004 by Sandy Falk and Daniel Judson. Permission granted by Jewish Lights Publishing, P.O. Box 237, Woodstock, VT 05091;


Sandy Falk, MD, is a clinical instructor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Harvard Medical School and practices at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Rabbi Daniel Judson is the director of professional development and placement at the Hebrew Union College Rabbinical School. He is coeditor of The Rituals and Practices of a Jewish Life: A Handbook for Personal Spiritual Renewal (Jewish Lights).

Steven A. Rapp is author of Aleph-Bet Yoga: Embodying the Hebrew Letters for Physical and Spiritual Well-Being (Jewish Lights).

Aleph-Bet Yoga: Embodying the Hebrew Letters for Physical and Spiritual Well-Being

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The Jewish Pregnancy Book: A Resource for the Soul, Body & Mind during Pregnancy, Birth & the First Three Months

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The Rituals & Practices of a Jewish Life: A Handbook for Personal Spiritual Renewal

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On Prayer Archive

Lullaby of a Restless Soul
By Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar

Study as Prayer; Prayer as Study
By Rabbi Amy Eilberg

Does God Hear Our Prayers?
By Rabbi Jamie S. Korngold

The Words of Our Prayers
By Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky

Silent Prayer
By Daniel C. Matt, PhD

Gifts from God
By Dr. Ron Wolfson

Meditation Coupled with Prayer
By Elie Kaplan Spitz

Learning How to Pray
By Rabbi Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi (z"l) with Donald Gropman

Breaking the Stumbling Blocks to Prayer
By Rabbi David Lyon

What We Do When We Pray
By Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL

Avodah: The Path Of Prayer
By Michael Strassfeld

Expressing Emotion through Prayer
By Rabbi Elie Kaunfer

The Power of Prayer and Action
By Rabbi Jill Jacobs

Forgiving God
By Rabbi Will Berkovitz

Yizkor: The Service of Remembrance
By Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur

God as the Ultimate Writer
By Dr. Erica Brown

Prayer Book Trumps Prayer
By Rabbi Mike Comins

On Mindfulness
By Sylvia Boorstein

By Rabbi Lawrence Kushner

Making Room for Prayer in Our Synagogues
By Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Start a Blessing Practice
Edith R. Brotman, PhD, RYT-500

Navigating the Heavens
Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar

Sacred Community Within and Beyond the Shul
Rabbi Baruch HaLevi, DMin, and Ellen Frankel, LCSW

Prayer of the (Broken) Heart
Rabbi Anne Brener, LCSW

Why Prayer Works Even When It Doesn’t
Rabbi Joseph B. Meszler

C’mon Jews, Let Go!
Rabbi Elyse Goldstein

Open My Lips
Lawrence Kushner

A Mini-Sabbath at Work
Rabbi Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi (z"l) with Donald Gropman

Prayer: An Eternal Experience
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Rows vs. a Circle
Rabbi Elie Kaunfer

The God Who Is Listening
Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD

Waking Up
Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky

A Morning Practice
Nan Fink Gefen, PhD

Preparing for Prayer
Dr. Erica Brown

Prayer—Fact or Feeling?
Rabbi Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi (z"l)

Medicine, Prayer and Hope
Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD

The Haggadah’s Last Word: A World of Eternal Life
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The Kiddush
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The Breath of Life and Prayer
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By Rabbi Shefa Gold

Blessings New and Ancient—A Living Link to God
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We Pray Better Than We Theologize
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“Out There,” “In Here”—What's the Problem?

Rabbi Perry Netter

Talking to God
By Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (z"l) with Joel Segel

Learning to Pray from My Bubbe
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Personal Prayer
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Chilean Miner Rescue Gives New Meaning to Old Prayers
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The Power of Praying with People
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A Prayer Before I Pray
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Hebrew as the Basis for Prayer
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With God as My Companion
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The Healing of the Name
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Finding the Prayer of Your Heart
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For People Like Me Who Struggle with Prayer
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I Don't Pray
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Transitions in Prayer
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Cultivating a Personal Prayer Voice
By Rabbi Mike Comins

Becoming a Prayerful Person
By Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD

Praying in God’s Corner
By Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (z"l) with Donald Gropman

Prayer Said by a Partner
By Sandy Falk, MD, and Rabbi Daniel Judson

Gentle Guidance
By Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky

Tehinot: Calling Out for Divine Intervention
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Breathing Prayer
By Ellen Frankel, LCSW

It's All God
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Forgiving God
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The Binding of Isaac and the Binding of You and Me
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Prayer as Art
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The Power of the Amidah
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Lullaby of the Restless Soul
Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar

Prayer and Blessings for Social Justice
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Acoustics and Intimacy
By Rabbi Elie Kaunfer

Prayer for Sleep
By Sandy Falk, MD, and Rabbi Daniel Judson, with Steven A. Rapp

Paying Attention to Moments of Transition
By Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, DHL

The Prayer Book
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Longing: Fuel for Spiritual Practice
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The Serenity Prayer
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By Rabbi Rifat Sonsino

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By Rabbi Avraham Weiss

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By Arthur Green, PhD

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The Outcome of Prayer
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Prayer as Transformation
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Sharing the Spiritual Search
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With All My Being
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By Rabbi Lawrence Kushner and Nehemia Polen

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Edited by Joel Lurie Grishaver

Haneirot Hallalu
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Prayer and Pregnancy
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Directing the Heart
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Prayer and Healing

By Rabbi Anne Brener

Changing Self-Deceit into the Quest for Truth
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The Importance of Shabbat
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Peace of Mind
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Speed Davening:
Empowerment as a Kid

By Rabbi Elie Kaunfer

The Sea of Ending and Beginning
By Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow

The Medium Is the Message
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Connecting Ritual with Action
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Count Your Blessings
By Dr. Ron Wolfson

The Motzi
By Rabbi Jamie S. Korngold

Helping Ourselves
By Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky

Walking with God in Israel
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By Lawrence Kushner

A Return to Fruitfulness
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With God as My Companion
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in Prayer

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Restoring Balance through Personal Prayer
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Avoiding Complacency
By Rabbi Dayle A. Friedman, MSW, MAJCS, BCC

Blessings after Eating
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Amen: Saying “Yes”
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In Dialogue with the Divine

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How to Become a Blessing

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The Need for Prayer

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Love & Prayer

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Lullaby of a Restless Soul

By Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar

The Power of Presence

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By Rabbi Jamie S. Korngold

Finding the Purpose of Our Impediments

By Rabbi Levi Meier, PhD, z”l

The Forgiveness of Sin

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God as the Source of All Things

By Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky

A Prayer for Zion and Jerusalem

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By Rabbi Elie Kaunfer

Silent Prayer

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Meditation Coupled with Prayer

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Breaking the Stumbling Blocks to Prayer

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By Rabbi Dayle A. Friedman, MSW, MAJCS, BCC

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By Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow

Avodah: The Path of Prayer

By Rabbi Michael Strassfeld

The Power of Prayer and Action

By Rabbi Jill Jacobs

On Mindfulness

By Sylvia Boorstein

Making Room for Prayer in Our Synagogues

By Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Navigating the Heavens

By Rabbi Karyn D. Kedar

Prayer of the (Broken) Heart

By Rabbi Anne Brener, LCSW

Why Prayer Works Even When It Doesn't

By Rabbi Joseph B. Meszler

C'mon Jews, Let Go!

By Rabbi Elyse Goldstein

Open My Lips

By Lawrence Kushner

Prayer: An Eternal Experience

By Rabbi Chaim Kramer

The God Who Is Listening

By Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman, PhD

A Morning Practice

By Nan Fink Gefen, PhD

Prayer—Fact or Feeling?

By Rabbi Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi z"l

... Who Has Made Me a Jew

By Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin

The Breath of Life and Prayer

By Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow

How to Be Hanukkah Holy

By Dr. Ron Wolfson

Blessings New and Ancient—A Living Link to God

By Rabbi Marcia Prager

“Out There,” “In Here”—What's the Problem?

By Rabbi Perry Netter

Learning to Pray from My Bubbe

By Dr. Ron Wolfson

Chilean Miner Rescue Gives New Meaning to Old Prayers

By Rabbi Elie Kaunfer

A Prayer Before I Pray

By Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis

With God as My Companion

By Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky

Finding the Prayer of Your Heart

By Rabbi Goldie Milgram

I Don't Pray

By Rabbi Rami Shapiro

Prayer, Habituation, and Holy Insecurity

By Dr. Erica Brown

The High Holy Days Conundrum

By Rabbi Mike Comins

Who by Fire, Who by Water

By Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman

Repentance: A Lost Art?

By Dr. Louis E. Newman

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